The agriculture sector in India employs more than 50% of the working population, but contributes just 14% to the GDP. Further, a large section of Indian farmers do not have access to irrigation and are dependent on monsoon for farming. Their situation is further aggravated due to lack of systematic support in the form of access to finance, market, quality input, reliable and timely information, etc.
DBF aims to address this through the promotion of Farmer Producer Companies. We have already facilitated setting up of 6 Farmer Producer Companies in Kadapa and Dalmiapuram
As part of the FPC setup process, DBF acts as the Producer Organization Promoting Institution (POPI) for FPCs, assisting in mobilization of farmers, organizing them as FPOs, facilitating registration and approvals for FPOs and imparting training to farmers, developing a business plan for FPC etc. This program is being implemented in partnership with NABARD. As part of the program exposure visits of FPC members to similar successful ventures were also organized.